When she falls prey to a vicious fortune hunter, Viola Perigon loses her money and her freedom. She will claw herself back to freedom and hunt him, and his associates, down. A Gilded Age revenge series featuring a morally gray female character with secret identities and musical magic.



Tell us about Viola Perigon, the heroine in this series.

Viola’s story is loosely based upon The Count of Monte Christo. Due to her innocence and naivete she falls victim to a very evil man who takes her fortune and freedom. Having suffered through these loses, Viola becomes a woman consumed with taking revenge upon the people who destroyed her life.

So there is a romance in this Gilded Age revenge fantasy series?

Yes! Unlike the Madame Chalamet series this one won’t be a slow burn. There will also be some mention of intimacy so it is NOT a sweet romance series. The romance itself should be okay for readers of 18+, maybe younger depending on maturity.

What is the genre for this fantasy series?

The Viola Perigon Gilded Age revenge series best fits the genre of fantasy, alternate history. It combines the historical elements found in the late Victorian and early 1900s, known in the United States as the Gilded Age (in England as the Edwardian, and in France as the Belle Epoque era). This is an alternate world where people with creative genius have a talent for magic.

What inspired you to write this series?

Revenge stories have long been a favorite of mine, as has been stories with a secret identity such as Phantom of the Opera or the Scarlet Pimpernel series by Baroness Orczy.

How does this series fit in with what other books you’ve written in terms of style?

This one will be a close match to the Madame Chalamet Ghost series as it will deal with an alternate historical world very similar to ours. However, the heroine, Viola is a darker more vengeful character who will do whatever it takes for her to revenge herself upon those who did her wrong.

I’m excited to share this series with you!